Red Roses & Blue Vase


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If I had to choose just one word to describe this colour red. I would choose “Velvet”. These roses were the most beautiful colour red.

You can customise this card by adding your own personal printed message, changing the paper colours, and adding in a gift card. If you wish to have a plain card with no alterations simply add to cart below.

*If you are purchasing more than one card with customisations and messages, you will need to customise these one at a time.

French Fold Papers, Wraps & Gift Card Envelopes

All of my cards come with this interior style of folded paper, as shown in the picture here. The “French Fold” papers fan outwards when the card is open. The pages resist curling at the edges, giving a very elegant finish to your cards. These papers look stunning when printed on.* Or if you prefer; the darker shades, you can use your preferred metallic pens.

I have chosen my absolute favourite coloured papers for you to admire. There is a choice of 15 gorgeous shades to choose from. A matching Wrap accompanies each card order; and if chosen, a Gift Card Envelope.

*Darker coloured papers:  Black, Blue, Green cannot be printed on as the ink won’t show up.

Red Roses & Blue Vase

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I took so many photographs of these gorgeous blooms. It was difficult to choose one out of so many that would capture their beauty all together in a vase.

I placed this design in a room setting as I love looking into a mirror seeing a completely different room in its reflection. These two subjects seemed to go so well together. The eye doesn’t linger on just one focal point. I loved designing the dramatic background colours for this design.

Size (approx.) H 152 x W 385mm